Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dodge and Burn

So I was looking for an image to post recently and came upon this photo in my archives. It was an un-edited HDR straight out of photmatix. Taken in the Black Canyon of the Gunneson in Colorado, it is your typical HDR. Sky was bright, foreground was dark, why not do HDR. The problem with this is that sometimes you get a very flat image with HDR. Sometimes you get a very 3 dimensional image. It's always different. I have this beautiful light on this rock face but its not simple enough. There is too much going on with the rocks and it all looks like its on one plane. 

I wanted to create some separation of this close rock face from the far ones on the right. So I use a little dodging and burning. Now, I personally do not use the dodge/burn tool in photoshop, I use a different method. I will make a copy of the layer I am working on, and fill it with 50% grey. I then change the blending style to "Overlay". You will now be looking at the same picture you had before. Without going into all the details, Overlay basically increases contrast. Now to darken areas, paint with black. To lighten areas, paint with white. Any pixel brighter/darker than 50% grey will be lightened/darkened. This way skips the highlights/midtones/shadows boxes and is easier to use, and I think looks better. It also doesn't keep changing it as you hold the button down, to give you more precise control.

Anyway, brighten the area you want attention on (your eye is drawn to the highlights in an image) and darken the areas around it. Using this method, I made the close rock face more prominent and the right side less so. you can see in the side by side that the bottom half looks more appealing. Now, this isn't an award winning photo but I just wanted one that would show this effect well.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Star Trails at the Farm

So, this is my first foray into doing star trails with multiple exposures. I set out to do about ~6 hrs worth of 30 sec exposures. I set it up, then walked away and went to bed. Well.... After about 120, the lens fogged/froze and the rest were blurry. I also realized my software cannot handle more than 395 images. I shot about 900. So now I know to pick a warmer night and expose longer for each image. For this I used a program called "Startrails" which stitches them together automatically.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Crescent Moon

Did you see the awesome crescent moon tonight at sunset?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Executive Catering Teaser

Here is a teaser from the Executive Catering shoot today. The best thing about shooting food is that you get to eat it at the end. If that's not reason enough to stick around and shoot it all, I don't know what is.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Cape May Point

A quick HDR I did from Cape May Point State Park while I was waiting to shoot the stars behind the bunker.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lunar Bunker

I knew the Russians were building a base on the dark side of the moon. Click on the satellite image for a higher-res picture, It looks great full size.

This actually is the WWII ammunition bunker at Cape May Point State Park. Was out last night shooting in the freezing cold, but it was worth it. Shooting in the winter let's you get clearer shots of the stars, less moisture in the air. It used to be underground, but you know with the ocean and all, things don't stay the same.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

HDR Tutorial

It's finally here! I've been spending the last week writing a full tutorial on my HDR processing. Check it out for tips on capturing the images, processing in Photomatix Pro, and then finishing it off in photoshop! Check it out and tell me what you think. If you take a couple suggestions let me see what you come up with, put a link up in the comments and let me check it out.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Shellbay Morning

Nothing will wake you up more than walking through the marsh at 4:45 in the morning. Besides the obvious dangers of falling and dropping your camera into the water, or sinking into the mud, It's just so cool. I went out to the end of Shellbay Avenue to maybe get some startrails over a cool pool of water I scouted out a couple days ago. But the clouds rolled in (It was supposed to be clear?) and I had to adjust. This is the pool of water-

And this is the shot I ended up liking the most:

This is me all bundled up because the temperatures were below freezing and the wind started to pick up. This was taken with my iPhone (I thought my hand was going to fall off it was so cold.)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Show Tomorrow

I have a show tomorrow at Medford Leas, in Medford from 3-5pm. Putting up 15 works, and a couple of new ones at that. If anyone is in the neighborhood, they should swing by. The show will feature My father's pastel paintings and my photographs and will be up until late February. For more show dates and images, check out the panel on the right   ------>

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Taken yesterday at Stone Harbor Point, This is a multiple exposure as the tide is coming in. Shooting at sunrise for me is always a bit more hectic, I guess because you have to set up in the dark as opposed to when its bright out for a sunset shoot. But, if you make the effort you are almost always rewarded. Getting your camera focused in the dark is always a journey in itself. Usually I will autofocus on the moon then switch to manual focus. check out the shot in the original gallery: South Jersey Gallery

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The End

Lately I've been heading to Stone Harbor Point in the morning for some good early morning long exposures. It's hard to shoot the ocean with a decent foreground around here due to the lack of anything in the water, so this is one of my favorite jettys. This was taken around 5:50am and it is a 10 minute exposure. Kinda looks like all the stars are falling into the earth, doesn't it? (South Jersey Gallery)

iPhone at the Point

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Prints

To start off the new year, obviously some new prints are in order. I have 2 shows coming up soon, I'm dropping a few off at Photography 31 at the Perkins center for the arts, and I also have a show with my father next week. Here's one going up the road plus a bunch of other new ones you can see here: Landscapes Gallery

Monday, January 2, 2012

Cory McLaughlin Photography

This is the photographer who I shoot Weddings and other Big Shoots with, he just got his new site up today. www.corymclaughlinphotography.com, make sure you stop by and "Like" his page for info on what we are up to. We think it is very important, no matter what size wedding, to always have 2 shooters and its great when that person is someone you would trust to be stuck in a foxhole with.